An HSG or hysterosalpingogram can be difficult on the person having it done. There is a lot of uncertainty and it is done during a sensitive time in ones fertility journey. Typically, this standard procedure is done after six months of trying without success if you are over the age of 35 and one year of trying without success if under 35. As a loved one you may want to support the person and be there for them but you might not know how. Maybe you have never walked through infertility or you at a different stage of life. Maybe you want to say something but do not because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Below we explore ten ways to support a loved one who is doing to have an HSG.

1. Get specific requests.
Since everyone is different, it is important to ask the individual what might be helpful or something they may need on the day or leading up to the procedure. This will help ensure that you are tailoring your support to the specific person.
2. Make a meal.
After an HSG the individual has either heard good news (open fallopian tubes) or bad news (blockages or other problems with anatomy). A person may experience cramping and discomfort for several days after. Consider bringing this person a meal. It is a nice and loving gesture and allows the person some recovery time.
3. Bring encouragement.
Remember the person getting this done has already been through a lot of disappointments. This procedure can bring up a lot of uncertainties. Everyone’s level of pain is different and it could be from mild to severe. Encouraging the person and letting you know you are there for them can go a long way. Simple phrases, such as “you got this”, “you are doing great”, and “I am right here” go a long way.
4. Be present.
It might be difficult for the person getting an HSG done to be present, so it is helpful if those around them are. It is helpful if the person with them is attuned to their needs and attentive. The goal is to make the person feel supported and that you care.
5. Stay positive.
Smiling and keeping a positive outlook can be a wonderful way to support your loved one who is getting an HSG. It may be hard for the person getting it done to be positive, so getting your loved one to laugh, smiling, and providing encouragement will be helpful at calming any nerves they may have.
6. Check-in
As a friend or family member who is not attending the HSG appointment, it is helpful to reach out to your loved one and ask them how the appointment went. It is helpful to come ready to listen and not to fix the situation. Encourage and validate their feelings. It may be a helpful gesture to offer them prayer as well.
7. Ensure they are not alone for the appointment.
It is best to ensure that the person who is getting HSG is not attending the appointment alone and drives the person to and from their appointment. If their spouse or significant other is unable to attend, as a friend or family member offer to go with if you are available.
8. Help facilitate the doctors instructions.
If you are a spouse or significant other attending with your loved one to an HSG appointment, it is helpful to support the person by helping them follow the doctors instructions. For example, if the doctor recommends pain medication an hour prior to the appointment, make sure it is out and ready. Keep track of the time and offer it to your loved one per doctors instructions with water. It may be hard for you loved one to focus on the details leading up to the appointment.
9. Hold their hand.
If your loved one is nervous, offer to go back to the x-ray room with them. Ask them while you are back in the room if they would like you to hold their hand or not. Offer encouragement while they are going through procedure. The doctors will let one person back in the room during the procedure. During the imaging they will require that you go into another room within the room where you can continue to talk to your loved one as imaging is taking place.
10. Deep Breath.
Your loved one will be going through a lot of discomfort during an HSG. It can be helpful to deep breath with them to help the relax and move through the pain. This will help them move through the pain and discomfort with more ease.
Well there you have it! I hope this article helps you support the person in your life who is getting an HSG. Remember this person is processing a lot emotionally and mentally at this stage in their infertility journey. The are going to be facing a lot of uncertainties and it is helpful if they feel supported and loved. Also, the procedure can be experienced in various levels of pain from mild to severe. They will not know how their body will respond until they are in it. If you have never experienced an HSG, I hope you find the suggestions helpful in knowing different ways to support your loved one.
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